Bowenwork Integrative Health
Specializing in Tensegrity Medicine TM
Free 20 minute consultation phone calls
425 308 1384

Annette Maier RN-Retired, LMT
Stanwood Bowenwork Practitioner
The Story Behind Bowenwork Integrative Health
My nursing career was focused on direct patient care, in cardiac telemetry for 28 years. I enjoyed working with my patients meeting their immediate needs, supporting and advocating for them.
In 2012, my attention was drawn to Bowenwork when a good friend reported significant pain relief in her back after receiving this therapy. Curious and intrigued I began my journey into Bowenwork, a soft tissue technique originating in Australia. As I watched clients experience decreasing pain or even total relief, I was in!
Impressed with how effective Bowen is in addressing numerous common problems, I prefer to give the body's intelligence an opportunity to restore function, whenever it is possible and prudent.
In addition to Bowenwork, my education also includes Ligament Stimulation, another gentle, light touch, manual therapy that addresses the body via ligament tractioning and muscle energy techniques. McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release which is appropriate for a wide range of scars, for example: surgical scars, cuts, knife/gunshot wounds, trauma and burns. Lastly, Breast Care and Breast Massage, including self-care education and practice, breast scar tissue, fibrocystic breast pain, addressing lymphatic flow in the breast and issues related to nursing. Supporting women in breast wellness.

My Approach to Bowenwork Therapy
My approach to the body is a three-dimensional approach referred to as Tensegrity MedicineTM. This approach recognizes that our structure is a whole, where all parts are relational and that our structure is influenced by our thoughts, emotions and daily patterns of use in work and play. Myofascial length testing (a structural-functional assessment) is used to asses where the primary myofascial restrictions are in the body and directs our focus of care, giving us objective, measurable data so we can more easily assess the progress and outcomes of our sessions. You can think of Tensegrity MedicineTM as my tool box and Bowenwork, Ligament Stimulation and McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release as my favorite "tools". This holistic assessment and analysis follow the myofascial lines concept of author Thomas W. Myers and concepts of Tensegrity MedicineTM by Kelly Clancy OTR/L, CHT, LMP.
Annette Maier's Credential
Licensed Massage Therapist MA6981870
Art Of Bodywork - Alastair McLoughlin (16 hours) April 2024
Breast Care and Breast Massage (16 hour WA state required) - Aubrey Lesicki BS, LMT (March 2021)
Lymphatic Bowen Gus de la Querra, Bowenwork Practitioner @Safe To Move (November 2020)
Scar Tissue Management Part 1-3 - Nancy Keeney Smith, Cathy Ryan (June/July 2020)
Peeling Back the Layers: What We've Learned from Fascia Research - Robert Schleip (May 2020)
Novel Coronavirus Outbreak - NetCE (March 2020)
Altered Breathing Patterns and Disorders: Their Impact on Health, Posture, Pain and Stress - Debra Dent BPT,PT, OCS, FCAMPT
Suicide Assessment and Prevention - (February 2020)
Certificate Course in Nutritional and Integrative Medicine - Dr. Leslie Korn Ph.D., MPH, MPH, LMHC
(October 2019)
First Aid/CPR American Red Cross (July 2019)
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Tina Hull LMT, Bowenwork Practitioner (August 2019)
Licensed Massage Therapist (July 2019)
Know HIV Prevention Education (June 2019)
Low Back Pain Net CE 15 hours (August 2018)
Inflammation: Causes, Prevention & Control - INR ( October 2017)
Brain Health: Mood, Metabolism & Cognition - Dr. Beverly White, PhD, RD (July 2017)
Bowen, Tensegrity and Myofascial Lines 2 - Kelly Clancy OTR/L, CHT, LMP. (May 2017)
Bowenwork Module 11/ Special Procedures 2 - Alexia Monroe/Kelly Clancy (May 2017)
Bowen, Tensegrity and the Myofascial Lines 1 - Kelly Clancy OTR/L, CHT, LMP.(March 2017)
Bowenwork Module 10 - Special Procedures 1 - Sandra Gustafson (March 2016)
Bowenwork, Tensegrity and Fascial Lines - Instructor Kelly Clancy (March 2016)
Three Day Fresh Tissue Dissection - Instructor Kelly Clancy/Anatomist Todd Garcia (September 2016)
*Tensegrity Medicine Mentorship (one year) - Instructor Kelly Clancy OTR/L, CHT, LMP. (Sept 2015 - Dec 2016)
Fascial Journal Club Focus: Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers - Kelly Clancy OTR/L, CHT, LMP.(2015)
Bowenwork Mod 1-8 (2013)
Hear It From the Mouth of Actual Clients
My badly sprained index finger froze into position after a finger splint was put on by a physician. After using traditional hand therapy exercises for months, my finger remained frozen, discolored, and swollen.
Lack of mobility interfered with all my favorite past-times as well as business, so I asked a friend if she thought the “Bowen stuff” might help. She referred me to Annie.
Five sessions later, I could clench my fist fully – something I never thought I’d be able to do again. Unexpected bonuses of my introduction to Bowenwork were the deepest relaxation I’ve ever experienced, best sleep ever, and a few other physical ailments were addressed, including a reverse in my glasses prescription!
Based on the immediate physical results, the safe and non-invasive form of therapy, and the deep relaxation I experience each time I have Bowenwork done, I will consider this my first response to most physical needs. Thanks, Annie!
Tami M.